Industry knowledge

2013-2017 Chinese tire industry sales forecast demand and in

2012 exports of the domestic tire industry can be described as mixed. USA 2009 began on Chinese tires safeguard will expire at the end of September 2012, according to incomplete statistics, special bonded covering 91% of the U.S. demand for tires. Special bonded against the Chinese exports to the U.S. passenger car and light truck tires. While November 1, 2012 implementation of the EU tire labeling law for the domestic is a big negative.

Meanwhile, with the growing competition in the tire industry, large tire enterprises merger integration and capital operation is becoming more frequent, excellent domestic tire manufacturers increasing emphasis on industry market research, especially for the industrial development environment and product purchases by further research. 
Because of this, a large number of excellent domestic tire brand has risen rapidly, becoming a leader in the tire industry!

Long-term use of forward-looking information in this report on the tire industry market tracking to collect market data, comprehensive and accurate for your overall height from the industry structure analysis system. 
Report from the current macro-economic situation in the tire industry starting to tire industry production and marketing conditions and industry needs to rely on, a detailed analysis of the Chinese tire industry's current market capacity, market size, growth rate, and competitive posture.

Report mainly analyzes the Chinese tire industry, production and development; tire industry in the current market environment and the competitiveness of enterprises; tire industry, market demand characteristics; tire industry import and export markets; tire industry competitive landscape, competitive trends; tire major subdivision product market development; tire market leader operating conditions; tire industry trends and forecast; Meanwhile, Jordan's full industry for nearly five years, a comprehensive and detailed primary market data, allowing you to fully and accurately grasp the entire tire industry 
market trends and trends, thus gain the upper hand in the competition!

The greatest feature of this report is forward-looking and timeliness. Report on the large number of prospective primary market research data analysis, in-depth and objective analysis of Chinese tire industry, the overall current market capacity, market size, competitive landscape and market demand characteristics, and in accordance with the development path of the tire industry and years of practical experience, the tire industry's future development trend analysis and forecasting prudent. Tire production enterprises, research institutes, marketing companies, investment companies currently accurate understanding of the latest developments in the tire industry, market opportunities, make the right business decisions and a clear direction of enterprise development rare quality. The industry's first on the tire industry, upstream and downstream industries and key enterprises to conduct a comprehensive systems analysis heavyweight report.

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